Appendix E: Terminal Mode Commands
61200.070L1-1 Express XL/XLT User Manual 147
Additional Commands
Other commands available from the terminal mode are given below:
Download/Uploading Configuration
The Express XL/XLT’s configuration can be captured to a text file using the
download command. The text file can be edited if required. Upload of the
configuration can be accomplished by sending the text file to the Express XL/
XLT in terminal mode. A baud rate of 9600 is strongly recommended when
uploading. As soon as the upload has been completed, type “save” to save the
new configuration to flash. A “reset” command or power cycle 10 seconds af-
ter the save command is recommended to ensure that the new configuration
is complete.
save Saves the configuration to non-volatile RAM (flash).
mac Returns the MAC address for the Express XL/XLT.
version Returns the firmware version and routing stack version.
reset Resets the unit.
exit Leaves terminal mode and returns to menus.
download Downloads complete configuration to the terminal screen for