Setting up the 167xx Analyzer
167xx Licensing
To install the FS2010 software, insert the diskette labeled 16700/702 Installation disk for the FS2010 into the Agilent 16700 diskette drive. From the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION TOOLS select INSTALL under SOFTWARE. From the SOFTWARE INSTALL screen select the FLEXIBLE DISK and APPLY. Once the title appears select it and then select INSTALL.
This procedure does not need to be repeated. It only needs to be done the first time the
When this has completed, load the appropriate configuration file from the /configs/FuturePlus/FS2010 directory. Refer to the table on the following pages for a list of analyzers and corresponding configuration files.
The FS2010 product is a licensed product, which is locked to a single Agilent 1670x frame. Complete instructions for licensing this software are detailed on the Entitlement Certificate that is enclosed with this product.
The licensing area for the 1670x mainframe is found under System Administration. Once you are at the licensing area choose the Processor/Bus Solutions tab, in here you will find the PCIX inverse assembler listed. Type your password in the space provided to enable the use of the inverse assembler. A demo period is provided by typing the word demo into the password space next to the product name.
The following picture shows the licensing area after pressing the licensing button on the previous screen. This is where you would enter the password you will receive after following the instructions on the SW License Entitlement Certificate.