(3) Tracking adjustment [TRK command]Input : TRKd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
•Eliminates lateral vibration of displayed characters, shaking, and noises.
TRK adjustment
•A vertical line pattern in which the black and white lines change every dot as shown below is the
ideal for adjustments.
(4) Contrast adjustment [CNT command]Input : CNTd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
•Use this command to adjust the contrast.
•Use this command to adjust so that the contrast of the images produced by the MVP matches the
contrast of the actual images of the computer.
•Tracking may deviate in some cases when CNT adjustment is performed after TRK adjustment.
After adjusting CNT, adjust TRK.
(5) R, G, B gain adjustment [RGN, GGN, BGN commands]Input : RGNd1d2d3, GGNd1d2d3, BGNd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
•GGN : Green gain adjustment
RGN : Red gain adjustment
BGN : Blue gain adjustment
•Use this command to adjust so that the white balance of the images produced by the MVP
matches the white balance of the actual images of the computer.
•Tracking may deviate in some cases when gain adjustment is performed after TRK adjustment.
After adjusting gain, adjust TRK.
(6) Brightness adjustment [BRT command]Input : BRTd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
•Use this command to adjust the brightness.
•Use this command to adjust so that the brightness of the images produced by the MVP matches
the brightness of the actual images of the computer.
•Tracking may deviate in some cases when brightness adjustment is performed after TRK adjust-
ment. After adjusting brightness, adjust TRK.