(7) B, R clamp adjustment [BLV, RLV commands]Input : BLVd1d2d3, RLVd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3: Compensation data 0 to 254
•BLV : Adjusts the B clamp level.
RLV :Adjusts the R clamp level.
•Use this command to adjust so that the white balance of the low light side of the images pro-
duced by the MVP matches that of the actual images of the computer.
•Tracking may deviate in some cases when clamp level adjustment is performed after TRK adjust-
ment. After adjusting the clamp level, adjust TRK.
(8) Blanking window level adjustment [BLK command]Input : BLKd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3: Compensation data 0 to 254
•Adjusts the bright level of the blanking window.
•Use to adjust the VS board picture frame and prevent burning.
•Adjust the blanking window position and width using HWN, HWD, VWN, and VWD.
(9) Horizontal, vertical direction screen display position adjustment[HPS, VPS commands]Input : HPSd1d2d3, VPSd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3: Compensation data 0 to 254
•HPS :Moves the screen horizontally.
VPS : Moves the screen vertically.
However, the blanking window does not move and only the screen inside the window moves.
The moving range of the screen is not limited to the blanking window.
HPS, HWN, and HWD are commands to change reading and writing timings of the image memory,
and are mutually correlated. For this reason, Each of these three commands has a limited value
without varying the 0 to 255 range.
VPS, VWN, and VWD are also the same.
When the above command become the limited values, the image blinks three times.
Monitor frame
Blanking window (Does not move)
PC image
Figure: Example of HPS Command Execution