(10) Horizontal, vertical blanking window position adjustment[HWN, VWN commands]Input : HWNd1d2d3, VWNd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3:Compensation data 0 to 254
•HWN :Adjusts the H blanking window position.
VWN :Adjusts the V blanking window position.
However, the picture inside the blanking window also moves.
HPS, HWN, and HWD are commands to change reading and writing timings of the image memory,
and are mutually correlated. For this reason, Each of these three commands has a limited value
without varying the 0 to 255 range.
VPS, VWN, and VWD are also the same.
When the above command become the limited values, the image blinks three times.
(11) Horizontal, vertical blanking window width adjustment[HWD, VWD commands]Input : HWDd1d2d3, VWDd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3:Compensation data 0 to 254
•The pedestal of the video signal is masked by blanking which can adjust the bright level.
•HWD : Adjusts the H blanking window width.
VWD : Adjusts the V blanking window width.
HWN, VWN adjustments
Figure: Example of HWN, VWN Command Adjustment
HPS, HWN, and HWD are commands to change reading and writing timings of the image memory,
and are mutually correlated. For this reason, Each of these three commands has a limited value
without varying the 0 to 255 range.
VPS, VWN, and VWD are also the same.
When the above command become the limited values, the image blinks three times.
PC image
HWD adjustment
Figure: Example of HWD Execution