Th e ligh tning flas h

w i th arrowh e ad, with in an

e q uilate raltriangle , is inte nde d to ale rtth e

u s e r

to th e

pre s e nce of unins ulate d “dange rous

voltage ” with in th e


e n clos ure

th at

m ay be

of s ufficie nt magnitude

to cons titute a

ris k o fe le ctric s h o c k to pe rsons .

Caution: To pre ve nt th e ris k o fe le ctric s h ock , do not re m o ve cove r (or back ). No user- serviceable parts inside . Refe r s e rvicing to qualifie d s e rvice pe rsonnel.

Th e e xcla m a tion point

with in an

e q u i late ral

triangle is

inte n d e d to

ale rt th e

u s e r


th e

pre s e nce

o f important

ope rating


m ainte nance ( s e rvicing) instructions


th e

lite rature

accom panying th e

appliance .



Safety Instructions


To pre ve n t e le ctric s h ock

do not us e th is (polarize d) plug with


e xte nsion cord, re ce ptacle

or oth e r outle t unle s s th e blade s can be


inse rte d to pre ve n tblade e xpos ure .




Connecting the Power Cord (AC Wall Socket)

Long s loti s n e u tral (ground) s ide .

In s e rtth e w ide blade into th e ground side s lot.

Read Ins tructions —

Alth e s a fe ty and ope rating ins tructions s h ould be re ad

be fore th e appliance

i s

o p e rate d.



R e tain Ins tructions


Th e ope rating ins tructions

s h ould be

re taine d for future

re fe re nce .






H e e d W arning — Alwarnings on th e appliance

and in th e

ope rating

instructions s h ould be

a d h e re d to.



Folow Ins tructions


Alope rating and use instructions s h o u ld be folowe d.

W ate r and Mois ture

Th e appliance s h ould not be u s e d n e a rw a te r – for

e xam ple , ne a ra bath tub, w a s h b o w l, k i tch e n sink, laundry tub, in a we t

b a s e m e n t, or ne a ra swimming pool, e tc.



Outdoor Us e — W arning: To re duce th e ri s k o ffire or e le ctric s h ock , do not e xpos e th is appliance to rain or m oisture .

Location — Th e appliance s h ould be i n s tale d in a stable


Ve n tilation — Th e

appliance s h ould be s i tuate d s o th at its

location or pos i tion

doe s n o tinte rfe re

w i th its p rope rve ntilation. For e xam ple , th e


s h ould notbe s ituated on a bed, sofa, rug, or s i m i lars urface

th at m ay block

th e ve ntilation openings;or place d in a built-in instalation, such

as a clo s e d

book case or cabine tth at m ay im p e d e th e flow ofair th rough

th e

ve ntilation

ope nings .





H e at— Th e appliance s h ould be s ituated away from h e at source s s u ch a s

radiators , h e at re giste rs , s tove s , or oth e r appliances (including am plifi e rs ) th at produce h e at.

Pow e rSource s — Th e appliance s h o u ld be conne cte d to a powe rs upply only of th e type de s cribe d in th e ope rating ins tructions or as m ark e d on th e appliance .

Pow e r-Cord Prote ction — Pow e r-supply cords s h ould be route d so th at th e y are notli k e ly to be w a lk e d on or pinch e d by ite m s place d upon or against

th e m . Pay particularatte ntion to cords at plugs, conve nie n c e re ce ptacle s , and

th e pointw h e re th e y e xit from

th e

appliance .

Grounding or Polarization —

Th e

pre cautions th at s h o u ld be ta k e n s o th at th e

grounding or polarization me ans

of an appliance is not de fe ate d.

Cle aning — Th e appliance s h ould be cle ane d only with a poli s h ing cloth or a s o ftdry cloth . Ne ve r cle an with furniture w ax, be nzene, insecticide s or oth e r

volatile liq uids since th e y m ay corrode th e

cabine t.

Non-Us e

Pe riods — Th e p o w e r cord of th e

appliance s h o u ld be unplugge d

fro m th e

outle tw h e n le ftunused for a long pe riod oftim e .

Ligh tning Storm s - Unplug th e appliance during ligh tning s torm s .

Obje ct and Liquid Entry — Care s h ould be tak e n so th atobje cts do notfaland liq uids are not spile d into th e e nclos ure th rough ope nings.

Acce s s orie s - O n ly use attach m e nts /acce s s orie s s p e cified by th e manufacture r.

Dam age

R e q u i ring Se rvice — Th e appliance s h o u ld be

s e rviced by

q ualifi e d

s e rvice

pe rsonnelw h e n :


• Th e

powe r-supply cord or th e plug h as been damaged .

• Obje cts h ave fale n , or liquid h a s b e e n s p i le d into th e

appliance .

• Th e


h a s b e e n e x p o s e d to rain.


• Th e

appliance d o e s n o t appe ar to ope rate norm a ly or e xh ibits

a m ark e d ch ange in pe rform ance .


• Th e


h a s b e e n d roppe d or th e e nclosure damaged .

S e rvicing — Th e

u s e rs h ould not atte m p tto s e rvice th e

appliance . Se rvicing

s h ould be re fe rre d to qualifie d s e rvice pe rsonnelor re turne d to th e deale r or calth e Alte c Lans i n g s e rvice line for as s i s tance .

The FCC Wants You to Know

Th i s e q u i p m e n th as be e n te s ted and found to com ply with th e limits for a Cla s s B digitalde vice , pursuant to Part 15 of th e FCC rule s . Th e s e limits are designed to provide re asonable prote ction againsth arm fulinte rfe rence in a re s ide ntialinstalation. Th i s e q u i p m e n tge ne rate s , uses and can radiate radio fre q u e n c y e n e rgy and, if not ins tale d and us e d in accordance w i th th e

ins tructions , may cause h arm fulinte rfe re n c e to radio com m unications.

H o w e ve r, th e re is no guarante e th at inte rfe re nce w i lnotoccur in a particular

ins talation. Ifth i s e q u i p m e n tdoe s

caus e h a rm fulinte rfe re nce

to radio or te le vision re ce ption, wh ich can be

d e te rm ine d by turning th e

e q uipm e nt off and on, th e us e ris encourage d to try

to corre ctth e inte rfe re nce

by one o rm o re o fth e folowing m e asure s :

a) Re orie n tor re locate th e

re ce i ving ante nna.

b) Incre a s e th e

s e paration be tw e e n th e e q u i p m e n t and re ce i ve r.

c) Conne ctth e

e q uipm e nt to an outle t on a circuit diffe re nt from th atto wh ich

th e re ce i ve r is conne cte d.


d) Consultth e

de ale r or an e xpe rie nce d radio/TV te ch nician for h e lp.

FCC Warning

Modifications not e xpre s s ly approve d by th e m anufacture r could void th e u s e r auth ority to ope rate th e e q uipm e n tunde r FCC Rule s .

One Year Limited Warranty

Alte c Lansing Tech nologies, Inc. warrants to th e e nd use rth at alof its s p e a k e r s ys te m s

are fre e from d e fe cts in mate rialand work m anship in th e cours e

o fnorm aland

reasonable us e

for a te rm o f one ye ar from th e date of purch as e .

Th is warranty is

th e e xclusive and only warranty in e ffe ct re lative

to Alte c Lans i n g s p e a k e r

s ys tems and any oth e rwarrantie s , e ith e r e xpre s s e d o r im p lie d, are invalid. Ne ith e r Alte c Lansing Tech n o logie s , Inc. nor any auth oriz e d A lte c Lansing Tech nologie s , Inc. re s e le r is re s ponsible for any incide ntaldamages incurre d in th e us e of th e s pe a k e rs . (Th is

lim itation of incide ntalor conse q ue ntialdamage is not applicable w h e re prohibite d.)

Alte c Lansing Tech nologie s , Inc. obligation unde rth is warranty doe s n o t apply to any

d e fe ct, m a lfunction or failure as a re s u lt of m isuse, abuse, imprope r instalation, use w i th

faulty or im prope r e q u i p m e n t or th e u s e o fth e compute r s p e a k e rs ys te m s w i th


e q uipm e n t for w h i c h th e y w e re not inte nde d.


Th e te rm s of th is warranty apply only to s pe a k e r s ys te m s w h e n s u c h s p e a k e rs


re turne d to th e re s pe ctive

auth orize d Alte c Lans ing Te ch nologies, Inc. re s e le r w h e re th e y

w e re purch ased .



Underth e te rm s of th is w a rranty th e

originalconsumer purch a s e s h a s c e rtain le g a lrigh ts

and may h a ve oth e r righ ts

w h ich vary worldwide.

Alte c Lansing Tech nologie s , Inc. is

a le ade r in th e de s ign, manufacture , m a rk e ting and

s upport of h i g h q u a lity m u ltimedia personalcompute r and h om e

e nte rtainmentsound

s ys te m s . A s m a n u facture rs of m u ltiple a w a rd-winning syste m s

for both de s ign and s ound

quality, our products are at th e fore front of e m e rging te ch nologies .

Page 3
Image 3
Altec Lansing 4100 manual Safety Instructions

4100 specifications

The Altec Lansing 4100 is a dynamic speaker system that delivers an impressive auditory experience, merging cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Known for its robust sound quality, the 4100 has garnered a loyal following among audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the main features of the Altec Lansing 4100 is its powerful subwoofer. This subwoofer is engineered to deliver deep, rich bass, making it ideal for music lovers who appreciate a full-bodied sound. The system is capable of filling a room with immersive audio, ensuring that whether you are enjoying music, movies, or games, the sound is both clear and impactful.

The 4100 also incorporates advanced audio technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), which enhances sound quality by optimizing the audio output according to the acoustics of the environment. This feature ensures that listeners experience the best possible sound, regardless of where they are seated. Additionally, the system supports multiple input options, including USB and auxiliary connections, making it versatile for various audio sources, from computers to smartphones.

With a sleek, modern design, the Altec Lansing 4100 not only performs well but also adds a touch of elegance to any space. The speakers are housed in a stylish cabinet that minimizes distortion, ensuring that sound fidelity is maintained.

Another notable characteristic is the system's user-friendly controls, which allow for easy adjustment of volume and sound settings. The wireless remote makes it convenient to manage playback from a distance, making the Altec Lansing 4100 an excellent choice for home entertainment setups.

The build quality of the Altec Lansing 4100 is robust, offering durability that ensures longevity. The components are carefully selected to withstand regular use while maintaining their performance.

In conclusion, the Altec Lansing 4100 stands out with its powerful subwoofer, advanced DSP technology, and stylish design, making it an impressive choice for anyone seeking high-quality audio performance. Whether for casual listening or serious music production, the 4100 promises to elevate any auditory experience, combining features that cater to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.