W e lcom e to th e e xtraordinary w o rld of Alte c Lansing h igh fide lity sound.

Th e 4100 is an am plifi e d m u ltim e dia s ound spe ak e rs ys te m de live ring cutting edge design and te ch nology. Th i s s y s te m is ide aly suite d to com pute r

Gam ing, ye tw ith a

w e l-rounde d fe ature - s e t de s igne d to provide optim al

us age w ith dive rs e

audio sources and for a wide varie ty of applications:

pe rs onalaudio de vices such as MP3 playe rs , DVD playe rs , CD playe rs ,

s te re o VCR's and casse tte

p laye rs , pe rsonalcom p u te rs ys te m s and various

oth e rvide o/audio source s .


Th e Sate lite s ' s lim profile and tiny footprint fre e up valuable de s k top/table top space , providing an unobtrus ive ye tp o w e rfuladdition to yourm ultim e dia configurations.


•140 W atts

of totals ys te m p o w e r.


•5 pie ce gaming/m u ltim e dia s pe ak e r s ys te m


• Front and Re ar Inputs

for com pute r gam ing.


•2 audio Inputs (Front &

Auxiliary) to alow mixing ofaudio s ignals fro m tw o

audio source s .




•2 Modes: Gaming, Ste re o x2.


•4 Sate lite

s pe ak e rs: 2 FrontSate lite s p e a k e rs and 2 Re a rSate lite

s pe ak e rs

e a ch de s i g n e d w i th two 1" (28m m ) s tate of th e

art Ne odym ium

m icro drive rs




• A Subwoofe r de s i g n e d w i th

two 5.25" (133 m m ) drive rs

for e xte nde d low

fre q ue ncy re s ponse .





Subwoofe rvolum e

controlfor fine - tuning syste m balance and

ove rals ys te m low volum e /h igh volum e pe rform ance .



w ired Syste m

Controle r unit alows optim um s p e a k e rplace m e n t

with out worrying about controlacce s s .


• A pate nte d controlcircuit autom a ticaly boosts b a s s a tlo w volum e to

maintain musicalsound "re ali s m ".

Cutting e dge , space - saving design .

• A h e adph one jack i s locate d on th e Syste m Controle runit.

• AAC1 Y-Adapte r include d for e asy conne ction to gam ing cons ole s .

Th e Subwoofe r is not m agne ticaly s h i e lde d and sh ould notbe place d in clo s e proxim ity to a com pute r m onitor, te le vision, or com pute r h ard drive .


Ifyou e xpe rience any difficulti e s w i th

your s p e a k e r s y s te m , ch e ck th e

Trouble s h ooting section ofth is Guide.

Th e

ans w e rs to m osts e tup and

pe rform ance q ue s tions can be found th e re .

If you cannot find th e inform a tion

you ne e d, ple as e calour cus tom e r s e rvice

te am for as s i s tance b e fore

re turning th e s pe ak e rs to



your re taile r unde rth e ir re turn policy. W e 're

available 7 days a wee k for your

conve nie nce , (Unite d State s , Easte rn Standard Tim e ):

Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m idnigh t

Saturday & Sunday:9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m .


Sys te m s e tup configurations to ach i e ve Gam ing Mode and Ste re o x2 Mode Various conne ction s c h e m e s from your audio source de vice to th e 4100 are

available . Based on th e fe a ture s

of your audio s ource , your s e le ction ofone

of th e s e s ch e m e s

w i lde te rm ine

th e ope rationalm ode o fyour s y s te m .

Do notins e rtth e

power plug into an AC outle tuntilalconne ctions are

m ade .

Turn off th e audio source

de vice

b e fore conne cting its output(s) to th e


Input(s ).









Color Coding: Notice

th at th e Input jack s on th e s ubwoofe r are


code d to pre ve nt e rrors . Th e plugs th at are i n s e rte d into th e s e jack s

h ave

m atch ing colors .

As an example , th e Le ft Front Sate lite s pe ak e r h as a brown

conne cting plug. Th e

plug is inserted into th e Le ft Front jack w ith

th e



color s trip mark ing.

Aloth e r conne ctions a re m a d e i n th e s am e

w ay.


To ins ure firs t-ti m e

o p e ration as

e xpe cte d , ple a s e folow th e s e tup s e q u e n ce

be low care fuly in th e

orde r indicate d




Gaming setup:







1. Conne ct th e orange

plug from

th e RIGH T FRONT Sate lite into th e



m ark e d RIGH T FRONT on th e Subwoofe r;re pe atth is proce dure

forth e LEFT

FRONT Sate lite , conne cting th e

brown plug from th e LEFT FRONT Sate lite

to th e jack m ark e d LEFT FRONT on th e Subwoofe r.




2. Conne ct th e purple

plug from

th e RIGH T REAR Sate lite into th e jack

m ark e d RIGH T REAR on th e Subwoofe r;re pe a tth is proce dure for th e


REAR Sate lite , conne cting th e gold plug from th e LEFT REAR Sate lite to th e jack m a rk e d LEFT REAR on th e Subwoofe r.

3.Conne ct th e gray DIN plug fro m th e Sys te m Controle r unit into th e DIN jack m a rk e d CONTROLLER on th e Subwoofe r. Note th at th e DIN plug h as

an arrow . Th e arrow s h ould be face up for corre ct ins e rtion into th e DIN jack

on th e Subwoofe r.

4. Sh ut th e com pute r s y s te m down using th e m anufacture r's re com m e nde d procedure s .

5. Th e 4100 provide s tw o Inputs labe le d FRONT and REAR, locate d on th e Subwoofe r. Com p u te rgam ing s ound cards h ave at le ast 2 outputs . Most

ofte n, th e outputs w i lbe m a rk e d as

front output, and re ar output. Som e

s ligh tly diffe re nt te rminology m ay be

used . H o w e ve r, th e s ound card

instructions wilprovide inform a tion so th atyou can de te rm ine w h at outputs to u s e w i th a tw o Inputs p e a k e rs ys te m . M a k e th e conne ctions using th e two

6.5 ft. (5 m ) gre e n and black cable s w i th m atch ing 3.5 m m s te re o plugs on e ach e nd. Th e s e cable s a re include d w i th th e 4100 syste m .

6. Conne ct th e p o w e r cord (at back of Subwoofe r) to an AC W als o c k e t.

7. Th e unitis now re ady to ope rate . Turn on th e

audio source de vice .

Note: Always turn on your audio s ource de vice

be fore turning on your Alte c

Lansing 4100 Speak e r Syste m . Ifyou turn on th e

s p e ak e rs ys te m b e fore

turning on th e audio source , you wilh e ar a loud POP s ound wh e n th e audio de vice i s turne d on.

8.Turn on th e Alte c Lansing 4100 Speaker Sys te m . See USE OF CONTROLS b e low.

1-800-ALTEC-88 (1-800-258-3288)

Page 4
Image 4
Altec Lansing 4100 manual Introduction, Feature Highlights, Connections, Color Coding Notice, Gaming setup

4100 specifications

The Altec Lansing 4100 is a dynamic speaker system that delivers an impressive auditory experience, merging cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Known for its robust sound quality, the 4100 has garnered a loyal following among audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the main features of the Altec Lansing 4100 is its powerful subwoofer. This subwoofer is engineered to deliver deep, rich bass, making it ideal for music lovers who appreciate a full-bodied sound. The system is capable of filling a room with immersive audio, ensuring that whether you are enjoying music, movies, or games, the sound is both clear and impactful.

The 4100 also incorporates advanced audio technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), which enhances sound quality by optimizing the audio output according to the acoustics of the environment. This feature ensures that listeners experience the best possible sound, regardless of where they are seated. Additionally, the system supports multiple input options, including USB and auxiliary connections, making it versatile for various audio sources, from computers to smartphones.

With a sleek, modern design, the Altec Lansing 4100 not only performs well but also adds a touch of elegance to any space. The speakers are housed in a stylish cabinet that minimizes distortion, ensuring that sound fidelity is maintained.

Another notable characteristic is the system's user-friendly controls, which allow for easy adjustment of volume and sound settings. The wireless remote makes it convenient to manage playback from a distance, making the Altec Lansing 4100 an excellent choice for home entertainment setups.

The build quality of the Altec Lansing 4100 is robust, offering durability that ensures longevity. The components are carefully selected to withstand regular use while maintaining their performance.

In conclusion, the Altec Lansing 4100 stands out with its powerful subwoofer, advanced DSP technology, and stylish design, making it an impressive choice for anyone seeking high-quality audio performance. Whether for casual listening or serious music production, the 4100 promises to elevate any auditory experience, combining features that cater to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.