Q. W h e n conne cte d to my

compute r sound card, s h ould I us e th e W indows

volu m e

controlto adju s tth e

volum e of m y s p e a k e rs ?

A. No.

Adjus tth e W indows controls to about ce n te r as a s tarting point and

th e n u s e th e s pe ak e r controle r to adjus tvolum e control. Ifth e volum e


turne d too h igh on th e s ound card, itcan dis tort th e s o u n d .


Q. One and som e ti m e s b o th

of m y s p e a k e rs

do notwork .


A. Ch e ck th e input cable

from s p e a k e r to th e

audio source a n d m a k e

s u re

th at it is conne cte d to th e

line -outjack , wh ich

is th e un-am p lifie d source .

Mak e s u re a lth e cable s


plugge d in corre ctly and h ave a good


conne ction. Unplug th e cable

from th e back ofth e com p u te r, and inse rtth e

s te re o plug into th e h e adph one jack ofan alte rnate s o u rce (e.g., Walk m a n , Discman or FM radio) and play music . Ifth e s pe ak e rs w o rk , you m ay ne e d to

adju s t your volume and balance controls in youraudio s ource , or W indows, if conne cte d to your com pute r's s ound card.

Q. My s pe a k e rs give off a crack ling sound (or static, or oth e rnois e ). W h at could be w rong?

A. Ch e ck a lcable s a n d m a k e s u re th atth e y are conne cte d to line-out or audio-outjack on your sound card or oth e r audio s ource , and NOT s pe a k e r-

out. Ifyour audio source is your com pute r, ch e ck

th e volum e


W i n d o w s : m a k e s u re th at it is nots e tm ore

th an

h alfway. Setting th is le ve l

too h igh

can cause

s ound distortion. If th is

doe s

nots top th e

nois e , unplug

th e cable

fro m th e

audio source and use an alte rnate s ource

(e.g., Walk m an,

Discman or FM radio) by plugging th e s te re o cable into th e h e adph one jack . Ifth e noise goe s away, you m a y h a ve a proble m w i th your audio source .

Q. W h at can caus e radio fe e dback ?

A. Ifyou are living ne ar a radio towe r you could h ave inte rfe re nce caus e d by

radio fre q uency. Try m o ving your spe ak e rs to s e e i fth e

inte rfe re n c e g o e s

away;if not, you m ay be able to purch a s e a s te re o cable

from your local

re taile r th at h as a h igh e r pe rce n tage o fs h i e lding.



Can Ih ook m y s p e a k e rs to my TV or Stereo?


Y e s , as long as your TVorSte re o h as an un-am p lifie d source w h i ch is

line-out (ch e ck your TV or Ste re o owners m anual). Th e s e s pe ak e rs m ay be us e d with any audio de vice th at h a s a s te re o h e a d p h o n e jack . You may also ne e d a cable th ath as RCA jack s on one e nd and a 1/8 inch s te reo connector at th e oth e re nd (th e s e m ay be purch ased atm ostlocale le ctronics s tore s ).

Q. Ih ave ve ry little bas s com ing from my subwoofe r. H ow do Iincre a s e th e bas s output?

A. Adjustth e BASS controlth rough your audio sound s ource (com pute r

sound card control, CD playe r control, e tc.).

Ch e ck to m a k e s u re th at alof

your cable s

are h ook e d up corre ctly and are

m ak ing a good conne ction.


Ih ave

a low h um com ing from

m y s ubwoofe r. Is th is norm al?



Y e s . Th e AC in your h ouse is at60 cycle s

pe r s e cond, wh ich i s w i th in

th e

audio fre q ue ncy of your subwoofe r. Som e

low h um is naturaland can be

de te cte d w h e n your s pe ak e r s ys te m

i s p o w e red on with out s ource audio

playing, orw h e n volu m e i s s e tatan e xtre m e ly low le ve l.


Q. Ih ave

a loud h um com ing from

m y subwoofe r. W h ats h ould Ido?




th e powe r cord from th e

power s u rge prote ctor (if applicable ) and

plug dire ctly into an AC waloutle t. Move your cable s and ch e ck to s e e

th at

th e y are making a good connection. If you dis conne ctyour s te re o cable

fro m

th e

audio source and th e loud h um goes away, th e n you m ay ne e d to adjust

th e

volu m e

controlin your audio s ource as you m ay be o ve rdriving th e


volum e s e ttings on yours pe ak e r s ys te m . If you are using your 4100

s p e a k e rs w ith your com pute rs ys te m , ju s t click on th e s pe ak e r icon locate d ne xtto th e digitalclock to th e lo w e r righ t of your Windows 9X or 2000 scre e n and adjustth e volum e .

Q. W h e n I putm y subwoofe r on m y de s k m y m onitor dis torts . W h y?

A. Th e s ubwoofe ris notm agne ticaly s h i e lde d , and th is can cause distortion if it is le s s th an 3 fe e tfrom yourm onitor.

Q. Th e D IN conne ctor from th e

controle r h as m ultiple pins on one end, and

w h e n trying to attach th is cable

I notice d th ats om e o fth e pins are b e n t, so I

am notable to i n s e rtth e cable into subwoofe r. W h ats h ould Ido?

A. Try to ge n tly s traigh te n th e

pins with tw e e z e rs orve ry s m alplie rs . Ifth i s

doe s notw o rk , th e n contactth e

Alte c Lansing Consume rSupportDepartm e nt

for furth e r ins tructions.


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Altec Lansing 4100 Volum e of m y s p e a k e rs ?, Do notwork, Are Plugge d in corre ctly and h ave a good, Controlin

4100 specifications

The Altec Lansing 4100 is a dynamic speaker system that delivers an impressive auditory experience, merging cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Known for its robust sound quality, the 4100 has garnered a loyal following among audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the main features of the Altec Lansing 4100 is its powerful subwoofer. This subwoofer is engineered to deliver deep, rich bass, making it ideal for music lovers who appreciate a full-bodied sound. The system is capable of filling a room with immersive audio, ensuring that whether you are enjoying music, movies, or games, the sound is both clear and impactful.

The 4100 also incorporates advanced audio technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), which enhances sound quality by optimizing the audio output according to the acoustics of the environment. This feature ensures that listeners experience the best possible sound, regardless of where they are seated. Additionally, the system supports multiple input options, including USB and auxiliary connections, making it versatile for various audio sources, from computers to smartphones.

With a sleek, modern design, the Altec Lansing 4100 not only performs well but also adds a touch of elegance to any space. The speakers are housed in a stylish cabinet that minimizes distortion, ensuring that sound fidelity is maintained.

Another notable characteristic is the system's user-friendly controls, which allow for easy adjustment of volume and sound settings. The wireless remote makes it convenient to manage playback from a distance, making the Altec Lansing 4100 an excellent choice for home entertainment setups.

The build quality of the Altec Lansing 4100 is robust, offering durability that ensures longevity. The components are carefully selected to withstand regular use while maintaining their performance.

In conclusion, the Altec Lansing 4100 stands out with its powerful subwoofer, advanced DSP technology, and stylish design, making it an impressive choice for anyone seeking high-quality audio performance. Whether for casual listening or serious music production, the 4100 promises to elevate any auditory experience, combining features that cater to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.