AlLEDs are unlit

Pow e ris notturne d on

Pre s s

Power On button on th e Syste m

Controle r.





AC cord is not conne cte d to waloutle t

Ve rify th e

AC line cord from

th e


ofth e Subwoofe r is plugge d






into th e w aloutle t.










Surge Suppre s s or (if us e d) is not powe re d on

Ifth e

AC line cord is plugged into a surge s uppre s s o r, m ak e s ure






th e s u rge

s uppre s s o ri s s w i tch e d on.






Sys te m Controle r is notconne cte d to th e S ubwoofe r

Conne ct Sys te m Controle rto Subwoofe r.





W aloutle t not functioning

Plug anoth e r de vice into th e

w a loutle t (s am e jack ) to insure i ti s














No sound from

any spe ak e rs

Pow e ris notturne d on

Ve rify th e

AC line cord from

th e


ofth e Subwoofe r is plugge d






into th e w aloutle t.












Ve rify th e

Pow e r On switch

h as

be e n p re s s e d (LED is ilum inate d).




Volum e s e tting is too low

Turn th e

rotary knob to th e righ t to rais e th e s ys te m M a s te r






Volum e .














Ch e ck

volu m e

le ve lon com p u te rs ound card or alte rnate audio







de vice

and se tatm id le ve l.






Audio cable i s n o t conne cte d to audio source

Conne ct audio cable from audio source , ch e ck p lug conne ctions






on both s ubwoofe r and source .

Mak e

s ure th e s e s i g n a lcable s are






i n s e rte d firm ly into th e corre ct jack s .






Audio cable

conne cte d to w rong outputon audio source

M a k e

s u re th at th e

li m e g re e n 3.5 m m

s te re o jack is connecte d to






th e line-outjack o fth e audio source ;m ak e s u re it is fuly inse rte d.




Proble m w i th

audio source de vice

Te s tth e s pe a k e rs on anoth e raudio de vice . R e m o ve th e








from th e

audio source

d e vice and conne ct it to th e

line -out






on anoth e r audio de vice or th e h e adph one jack o fanoth e r audio







de vice .








No sound from

Subwoofe r

Subwoofe r volum e i s too low

If your m o d e lh as a Subwoofe rVolum e

control, try adju s ting itto






incre a s e

th e Subwoofe r volum e . If your m ode loffe rs a B a s s






S e le ctor function on th e Syste m

Controle r, adjus tS e le ct Bas s






function and raise volum e le ve l.







Sound source h as ve ry little lo w frequency conte nt

Iflis te ning to .W AVfile s ove r a com pute r sound card conne ction,






try li s te ning to a CD on your com pute r CD or DVD playe r. .W AV






file s o fte n h ave


lo w frequency conte nt. Try a m usic signal







m ore b a s s .







Controle r doe s

notw o rk

DIN conne ctor not ins e rte d in Subwoofe rjack

Ve rify th e

gray DIN conne ctori s firm ly ins e rted into th e DINjack






on th e

Subwoofe r.

R e fe r to th e

"Conne ctions " s e ction of your






U s e r's Guide for th e

corre ct pos ition ofth e arrow on th e

DIN plug.






Itis importantto insure th e pins are a ligned from plug to jack .

No sound from


Unitis not in Ste re o x2 or Gam ing m ode

Pre s s

th e

Mode button on th e Sys te m

Controle rto s e le cte ith e r

Re ar sate lite s




Ste reo x2 orgam ing Mode.









Rear le ve li s

too low

S e e

U s e r's Guide : "Re ar Volum e

Le ve lAdju s tm e nts ". Incre a s e






th e RearVolu m e le ve l.









S e tR e a rle ve lto de fault pos ition

S e e

U s e r's Guide : "Re ar Volum e

Le ve lAdju s tm e nts ".


Sound is

distorte d

Volum e le ve ltoo h igh

D e c r e a s e m a s te rvolu m e le ve l.








Sound source i s d i s torte d: audio source is compute r

.W AVfile s are o fte n ofpoor quality so distortion and nois e a re




sound card


e as ily notice d with h igh powere d

s p e a k e rs . Try a diffe re nt sound







lik e a m us ic CD.






Note nough tre ble

Tre ble s e tting is too lo w

Pus h

th e

Tre ble button on th e Syste m

Controle r and incre a s e






le ve l.













S e tR e a rle ve lto de fault pos ition

S e e

U s e r's Guide : "Re ar Volum e

Le ve lAdju s tm e nts ".


Too m uch

tre ble

Tre ble s e tting is too h igh

Pus h

th e

Tre ble button on th e Syste m

Controle r and de cre a s e th e






le ve l.













S e tR e a rle ve lto de fault pos ition

S e e

U s e r's Guide : "Re ar Volum e

Le ve lAdju s tm e nts "


Too m uch

bass or

Bas s s e tting is too h igh

Pus h

th e

Bas s

button on th e

S ys te m Controle rand de cre as e th e






le ve l.










Subwoofe ris distorte d

S e tR e a rle ve lto de fault pos ition

S e e

U s e r's Guide : "Re ar Volum e

Le ve lAdju s tm e nts ".


















Page 9
Image 9
Altec Lansing 4100 manual Troubleshooting

4100 specifications

The Altec Lansing 4100 is a dynamic speaker system that delivers an impressive auditory experience, merging cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Known for its robust sound quality, the 4100 has garnered a loyal following among audio enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the main features of the Altec Lansing 4100 is its powerful subwoofer. This subwoofer is engineered to deliver deep, rich bass, making it ideal for music lovers who appreciate a full-bodied sound. The system is capable of filling a room with immersive audio, ensuring that whether you are enjoying music, movies, or games, the sound is both clear and impactful.

The 4100 also incorporates advanced audio technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), which enhances sound quality by optimizing the audio output according to the acoustics of the environment. This feature ensures that listeners experience the best possible sound, regardless of where they are seated. Additionally, the system supports multiple input options, including USB and auxiliary connections, making it versatile for various audio sources, from computers to smartphones.

With a sleek, modern design, the Altec Lansing 4100 not only performs well but also adds a touch of elegance to any space. The speakers are housed in a stylish cabinet that minimizes distortion, ensuring that sound fidelity is maintained.

Another notable characteristic is the system's user-friendly controls, which allow for easy adjustment of volume and sound settings. The wireless remote makes it convenient to manage playback from a distance, making the Altec Lansing 4100 an excellent choice for home entertainment setups.

The build quality of the Altec Lansing 4100 is robust, offering durability that ensures longevity. The components are carefully selected to withstand regular use while maintaining their performance.

In conclusion, the Altec Lansing 4100 stands out with its powerful subwoofer, advanced DSP technology, and stylish design, making it an impressive choice for anyone seeking high-quality audio performance. Whether for casual listening or serious music production, the 4100 promises to elevate any auditory experience, combining features that cater to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.