Database Upgrade
If Basic Call Router and AltiServ are installed on different machines, you will not be able to upgrade the Basic Call Router’s database to the Advanced Call Router’s database.
If you want to
After upgrading, the old rules from the Basic Call Router’s database can then be used by Advanced Call Router.
Call Router DBUpdate Tool
This tool will copy the source database to overwrite the destination database. If you want to keep the destination database infomation, please back up the destination database before upgrade.
To upgrade Basic Call Router’s database to Advanced Call Router’s 5.1 database,
1.Stop Advanced Call Router service and/or Basic Call Router.
2.Run CRDBUpdate.exe.
3.Beside the Source database field, browse and select the 5.0A Basic Call Router’s database (default name - callrouter.mdb)
4.Beside the Destination database field, browse and select the 5.1 Advanced Call Router’s database (default name - callrouter.mdb)
Figure 1. Call Router DBUpdate tool
5.After selecting the two databases, click the Upgrade button to upgrade the 5.0A Basic Call Router’s database to the 5.1 Advanced Call Router’s database.
2Advanced Call Router Manual