[SWUx] command will delay switching for that period.
n- 1 enable feedback [OK] or [ERR]
n- 0 disable feedback
This command sets MAX Switchers to provide feedback code during
After [FDBK1] is issued the MAX Series Switcher will provide an [OK] if the command is executed properly and [ERR] if the wrong command is issued. If [FDBK0] is issued the MAX Switcher will not provide any feedback to the control system or program.
Since the MAX Series Switcher can control projectors it is recommended that the feedback be set to none. This will guarantee that feedback does not interfere with proper control of projectors.
n- memory location number 0 to 8
The MAX Switcher has 8 memory locations to store a set of connections. Each memory location stores one preset (scene or salvo), which is the current connection between inputs and outputs for active channels of a switcher with a selected unit ID number.
Memory saved in location no.1 is recalled, when the MAX Switcher is powered up or RESET. If only [Sel7] saves the memory location for the Audio channel, the then switcher will only recall input to output connections for those audio channels only. If the unit is switched using breakaway audio (video channels only by [SEL9] command), then input to output connections of video channels will be loaded.
n- memory location number 0 to 8
This command will allow the MAX Switcher to recall any of 8 available memories.
Each memory location stores one preset (scene or salvo), which is the current
connection between inputs and outputs for active channels of a switcher with a selected unit ID number.
Memory saved in location no.1 is recalled, when the MAX Switcher is powered up or RESET. If [Sel7] saves the memory location for the audio channel, then the switcher will only recall input to output connection for those audio channels only. If the unit is switched using breakaway audio (video channels only by [SEL9] command), then the input to output connection of video channels will be loaded.
A projector can be controlled through both RS- 232 ports or through activity happening on the front panel. Please note that one port is enabled at a time, so if the MAX Switcher is used to control the projector, it cannot be connected to and controlled by another
To enable port1 of 1 for projector control, press the Input1 key and then press the Output1 key once to enable
To enable port1 of 2 for projector control, press Input2 key and then press Output2 key once to enable
Please note that the receive lines on both ports 1
&2 are always active regardless of the transmit line. This means that the MAX Switcher can receive signals from either port, but it can transmit signals only on one port at a time. Each
The output string will be produced, when any input is selected and followed by output. Please contact Altinex for programming instructions to control a projector.
This Windows 95/98/NT based Control Software is available from the Altinex website at www.altinex.com in the Download section.