Welcome to the cost saving convenience

of Low Temperature Cooking.

In 1968, Alto-Sh aam invent ed the first auto matic, commercia l cook and hold oven featuring the principle of Halo Heat. The heatin g method provided by Halo Heat low temperatu re cook ing and holdin g ovens consists of an elec tric therma l cable that encirc les the entire cooking and holding chamber. This creat es a gentle blank et or HALO of radiant heat — surro unding food with a consiste nt and unifor m temperat ure with no air movemen t inside the oven compartment. This gentle heat ing concept cooks at low temperatures and at a high level of humid ity to prese rve product moistu re, flavor , and nutr ition. Halo Heat ovens are designed to convert automa tica lly from a cooking temper ature to a holding temperatu re where the product can remain until it is ready to be served.

Halo Heat is an entirely differen t system of cooking. Utilizin g this unifor m heat source, Halo Heat drama tically reduces meat shrinka ge; provides natural enzyme

(agin g) action for more tender, flavorful meat; and prese rves natural juices along with nutrition al values in all foods. Halo Heat cookin g reduce s energy cost, cuts back on labor and handlin g, and solves kitchen spac e problems. There is no mech anical ventilation or oven hood necessary in most areas so the oven s can be move d wherever they are needed.

Read this bookle t caref ully. Halo Heat is a cookin g syst em that requires minimal care once you have learned the basic prin ciple s.

For best results with many products , we recomme nd you start your cooking cycle the even ing before — for serving the next day. In many areas, off -peak power rates are also lower at night.

If anything you cook in a Halo Heat low tempe rature cookin g and holdin g oven does n’t meet your highest standards of quality, please contact one of our food service prof ession als for help. Usually, only a minor change in proced ure is required.



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Alto-Shaam 750 Low Temperature Cooking Introduc Tion, Welcome to the cost saving convenience of Low Temperature Cooking