1.For cookin g specific produc ts, refer to ind ividual cook and hold instru ctio ns.

2.To set time , turn the timer knob past the requ ired number of hours, then imme diat ely bri ng it back to the correc t setting.

3.When cooking at 250°F (121°C), it takes approx imately one hour for the cooking tem per ature to decrease to the select ed holding temper ature . Durin g this one hou r time period, the product will conti nue to cook.

4.The cooki ng times in this guide are based on mea t take n direct ly from a refrigerated

tem per ature of 38° to 40°F (3.3° to 4.4°C) , and plac ed in a prehe ated oven. Adjus tme nts must be mad e for cookin g product s at other than refr igerated tempe rat ures.

5.It is recom mended the oven door remain close d during the cooking cycle. Opening the door will only incr ease the length of time nece ssary to cook the product.

6.Puncturing an item wit h any sharp inst rume nt may introduc e bacteria inside the prod uct . Avoid usin g a fork to handle produ cts, and always use sta nda rd sanitary methods whe n handling any food item.

7.Use a therm ometer to check the interna l tem per ature of a produc t. Be certain to san itize the thermo met er befo re each use.

8.Aged meat will cook faster, shrink more, and cannot be held as long as fresh meat. Because of the tenderiz ing capabilit ies of the oven, aged meat or tend erizin g agents such as M.S.G. are not necessary, and are not recommende d.

9.When cooking full loads, never cook below the second she lf spac ing from the bottom of the ove n com part ment.

10.Fully cle an the ove n interior, drip pan, shelves , and side racks on a daily basis.


11.Since there is no air mov ement inside the Halo Heat® low

tem perature cooki ng and

hol ding oven, conde nsa tion will

for m on the inside of the door during

opera tion and may leak out of the oven door vents. This is a normal operating condition , how ever; any con den sation spilling on the floor shoul d be periodically wiped as a safet y preca ution. There is an Exter nal Drip Tray included as standard with most ovens.

12.Dri p pan overflow is a cond ition cau sed by cooki ng som e cuts of beef to an int ernal tem perature in exc ess of 130°F (54° C). The Exter nal Drip Tray will hel p alleviate some of thi s overflow probl em. There is also an ext ra large drip pan available as an opti on for the 1000-TH seri es ovens .

13.Overf low may also be caused by overloading the oven comp artmen t. DO NOT OVERLOAD THE OVEN . Fol low the recom men ded load capacities listed in each individual procedur e.

14.For best results, many produ cts sho uld be cooke d on an overnight coo k-a nd-h old basis. Con sult indi vidua l procedu res for this recomm endation.















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Alto-Shaam 500, 750, 1000 SERIES manual Ch Ef Ope Rati Ng Tip S, O P E R At I O N