About Product

Displays product information of AEBK07FS.

Power Management

Displays real time battery status of AEBK07FS.

Restore Factory Defaults

To restore AEBK07FS’s settings to defaults.

All settings will be restored. All DRM contents and activation will be deleted. You are required to authorize AEBK07FS again through ADE after system restored.


To set system language of AEBK07FS.

Screen Rotation

To set screen rotation mode to auto or manual mode.

User’s Manual


If AEBK07FS does not function as it is expected, please try the following steps.

AEBK07FS is not responding or can’t be turned on.

Reset AEBK07FS by press and hold the power button for 6 seconds. AEBK07FS will be forced shutdown if it is on and you are required to restart AEBK07FS again.

Battery has been fully depleted. Please charge AEBK07FS via USB or AC Adapter.

Battery Life seems short

The battery is not used for prolonged period. Please recharge the battery of AEBK07FS again

The battery is not fully charged. Please charge AEBK07FS for 4 hours.

The battery needs to be replaced. Please consult the authorized dealer for service.

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Aluratek AEBK07FS manual About Product, Power Management, Restore Factory Defaults, Language, Screen Rotation