i. Troubleshooting Flow Chart - Quick Reference...
Second Visual Check
Spark Present But Main Burner Does Not Come On
Is main valve wiring securely attached to terminal M.V.(3) and ground?
No | Yes |
Secure wiring to
M.V.(3) and ground.
DSI module
Determine why continuity does not exist.
Is 24 VAC present
between terminals M.V.(3)
and ground?
No | Yes |
Check for continuity in
wiring from M.V.(3) to gas valve, and gas valve to GR.
No | Yes |
Set gas pressure
Natural 3.5 inches W.C. (8.7 mb) L.P. 10.5 inches W.C. (26.1 mb)
Correctly adjust the gap and position of spark ignitor.
Is inlet gas pressure per
manufacturer's specifications?
No | Yes |
Is spark gap .125 in.(3.175 mm)
and in gas stream?
No | Yes | |
gas valve.
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