Before you Start
Building a stack
Follow the guidelines in this section in order to build a working stack using any combination of the following devices:
●P330 series
●P330 series
1. Add only a single box at a time to an existing stack.
! Important:
The stack master (also called "stack IP Agent") may fail to preserve existing "stack configuration" if you will add more than a single device to an existing stack at a time.
-After adding the first box, wait until the stack is functioning fully before adding the next device.
2.Refer to Table 4 to see which firmware versions can be used in mixed stacks.
For example, if you wish to add a
-Upgrade/downgrade the firmware of switches that do not match version in the table.
It is highly recommended to upgrade/downgrade before connecting the added box to an existing stack.
-Ensure switches of the same type have the same firmware version
8 Quick Start for Hardware Installation: