AGP Driving Control
This item allows you to select the AGP Driving Control to auto / disable Mode. The choices: Auto, Manual. AGP Driving Value
This item allows you to set the AGP Driving value.
This item allows you to set the USB Controller.
The choices: Enabled, Disabled. USB Keyboard Support
This item allows you to set the system’s USB keyboard to Enabled/Disabled.. The choices: Enabled, Disabled.
Select Enabled to use the audio capabilities of your system. Most of the following fields do not appear when this field is Disabled.
The choices: Auto, Disabled. CPU to PCI Write Buffer
This item controls the PCI write buffer to the PCI bus and prevents the CPU from doing anything else until it has completed sending the data to the PCI bus. The data in the write buffer will be written to the PCI bus when the next PCI bus read cycle starts without stalling the CPU for the entire CPU to PCI transaction.
The choices: Enabled, Disabled. PCI Dynamic Bursting
This item controls the PCI write buffer. Set enabled to write transaction on the PCI bus straightly to the write buffer and burst transactions being sent on their way as soon as there are enough to send in a single burst. Set disabled to make the data go to the write buffer and
The choices: Enabled, Disabled. PCI Master 0 WS Write
This item determines whether there’s a delay before any writes to the PCI bus. The choices: Enabled, Disabled.