ECM-3612 & FDD

System can be awaked by Hard Drive and Floppy Drive.

The choices: On, Off. Master

System can be awaked by system peripheral devices.

The choices: On, Off. by PCI Card

System can be awaked by PCI devices

The choices: Enabled, Disabled. Ring Resume

System can be awaked by Modem Ring

The choices: Enabled, Disabled. Alarm Resume

This function is for setting date and time for your computer to boot up. The choices: Enabled, Disabled. INTR

This item sets the system to wake up from suspend mode if activity is detected from any enabled IRQ channels. Setting this option to off will neither prevent the system from entering power saving mode or cause the system to fully power up.

The choices: On, Off. Activity Monitoring System can be awaked by IRQs in the list.

76 ECM-3612 User’s Manual