listen to so that as your musical tastes change, so does
your iPod music and artist selection.
You also have the ability to manually transfer songs to your
iPod. This gives you the capability of transferring individual
songs as well as playlists. This feature is ideal if you are
going to be using your iPod with more than one computer.
Think of the unlimited possibilities. You can use your iPod
between your home computer and your computer at work
with blinking an eye.
Transferring music from your computer to your iPod can be
a simple process or a complex on depending on (1) how
often you want to update your iPod, (2) how complicated
and multifunctional you want to make your playlists, and
(3) whether or not you are transferring complete albums to
your computer or choosing your music song by song.
The iPod Photo is a great way that you can view your digital
photos on your iPod as well as transfer your photos from
your camera to the iPod or to your computer. You will be
able to import your digital photos from your camera to the