When you pause the shuffle, the green light blinks at you.
If you leave the shuffle paused, the light stops blinking
after a minute, and it's easy to forget that it's still on. The
shuffle has clever hardware and software that greatly
conserves power if the iPod has been paused for more than
a minute or so, but when you are not using your shuffle
you should use the good old-fashioned off switch to be sure
it isn't using its battery when you don't want it to.
Once in awhile your iPods will get confused and must be
brought back to its senses by resetting it. iPod shuffle is no
exception to that but there is a unique way of resetting it:
turn it off using the slider switch on the back, wait awhile
(at least 5 seconds), then turn it back on again, to either
the play-in-order or shuffle mode position.
Your iPod shuffle includes a handy shortcut for going back
to the beginning of its playlist: just press play/pause three
times and the shuffle will start playing at the beginning of
the first song. If your iPod is in shuffle mode it will reorder
the playlist before starting over. You can use this trick to
quickly get to songs at the end of the playlist. Just triple-
click to go to the start and then press previous to wrap
around and get to the last song. While other iPods let you
choose whether they start over or stop when finishing a