have recorded. If you are already familiar with digital
media you most likely have QuickTime. If you, this is the
right time to obtain the free version or upgrade to the full
Start Recording
As soon as you plug a recording device into your iPod it will
be recognized as “audio input” and will come up with the
recording menu. Choose the record option. Your iPod will
keep track of the length of time for each recording session.
When you have finished recording you can either (1) press
on the pause button or the stop and save option. You will
want to use the pause option if there is more audio that
you want to add to that particular session. Use the stop
and save option when you want to completely end the
recording session and are ready to have your iPod catalog
Once your iPod has catalogued the recording session, the
session will be listed in the voice memos menu. The
session will be referred to by date and time with no title
included. You can then listen to the session and then
delete it or you can choose the record now option to record
another audio track. The controls for recording audio are