Uncheck play songs while you are importing the audio
book. You’ll also want to uncheck the use error
correction when reading audio CDs option. Both of
these options will slow down the import process so
you’ll want to have them both unchecked to speed
things up.
Click okay.
Once you have optimized your import settings on your iPod
you will find that importing audio book CDs is that much
easier. This will certainly encourage you to use your iPod
for than just music.
The following importing information is based on the use of
iTunes 6, however you will find that if are still using iTunes
5, the directions will work as well. Importing audio book
CDs can be a painful process because there are usually
dozens of tracks on the CD. This makes it difficult to
manage on the tiny screen of your iPod. The next problem
is that the track names are usually not recognized by the
automatic lookup service and you will have to enter them
on your own. The following method of importing audio
book CD tracks tries to minimize how much manual input