When you choose the manual mode you will automatically
be activating the enable disk use. This will put an iPod icon
on your desktop. This icon will give you access to your iPod
just the same as you would get with any FireWire hard
drive. Click on the iPod icon and search for the recordings
folder. You will find your audio sessions in this folder. The
file names will be easy to recognize as “20060719
You might want to create a folder in your music directory
that is called “iPod recordings”. Because you want your
.wav files to open in QuickTime instead of iTunes you want
to have control over these files. Click on the file to
highlight it and then use the ctrl-click method to display the
contextual menu. Choose the get info option from the
open dropdown menu. Then click on the change all button
so that the mapping is applied to all the .wav files that are
on your computer. After this, when you click on a .wav file,
it will open in QuickTime at which time you can edit them
the way you want. You might also want to change the file
name from “20060719 12345a.wav” to something such as
“Philosophy Lecture.wav”.
Once you have copied your audio files from your iPod to
your computer you can delete them from your iPod to free
up some space. Create a working method that is right for