permanently attached to your iPod. For more
information about the Griffin iTalk visit their website.
Universal Microphone Adapter: The Universal
Microphone Adapter is also made by Belkin and is a
great choice if you are looking for an external
microphone for your iPod. The Adapter plugs into the
top of your iPod but rather than having a built in
speaker and microphone it as input and output jacks
that are separate and give you three-position settings.
Each of the above recording devices will capture a 16 bit
mono at 8 kHz. This won’t be very good for recording a
concert but it will be perfect for voice recording. To use of
these devices you simply need to mount them on the top of
your iPod. Try to position yourself about two to four feet
from the source that you are recording. There is no need
to hold the recording device up to your mouth and yell as
they have been designed to be used from a few feet away
from the source.
If your iPod has a software version that is 2.1 or higher you
won’t need anything else to record audio files since
everything is already built into the iPod system. What you
will need when you plug your iPod into the computer is
QuickTime Pro so that you can use the content that you