Click on okay. The above information about the audio
book will be submitted. At this time you will be
prompted to choose the select CD category because
the database that is online uses a different category
for audio books. Select the books & spoken option
and click okay again.
A dialog box will appear telling you everything so far is
done. Click okay.
Once the submission process has been completed all
of the CD tracks will have the right information
connected and attached to them. This is your cue that
so far everything has worked just fine.
Choose the import button to import the disc. You will
find the import button in the top right corner. The
import settings that you optimized earlier will be used.
Once the import process is complete you can remove
the audio book CD from the CD drive.
Go to your iTunes library and look for the track that
you have just imported (there should only be one).
Choose this track and press the option command-I so
that you can do a get info about the track. Choose the
info tab.
Check to make sure that all the information about the
audio book is there. The name of the song will be the
same name as the album. You want to see the name
on your iPod so you will need to add the disc sequence