Create your List
Begin by making certain selections from the pop up menu
in the area called criteria line. Select your songs based on
certain attributes, operators, and values. The criteria line
will usually only display one line. If you want to display
more lines press the “+” button. The match lines option is
what will determine how each of the criteria is evaluated.
Smart Playlists really start to show how smart they are
when you combine certain rules. When you want to add a
criteria line or a new rule all you have to do is click on the
“+” icon. The number of criteria lines that you can create
can be endless. Every rule that you create will be
evaluated as a Boolean operator. This means that only
when there is a true match to your specified criteria will the
track be added to your Smart Playlist. When a false result
is turned up, the song won’t be added to the list. Once you
have selected your criteria the limiter area will let you limit
the number of true results that will be returned by the
Smart Playlist.
Track Attributes
To make great Smart Playlists it’s important that you
understand the many track attributes that you can choose