from. No matter where you get your music from, such as
the iTunes Music Store or copied from your own CDs,
attributes will always be looked at in the same way. There
is, however, one attribute that will group CDs track
together and that is the album name attribute. You can
group your songs together in a variety of ways including
year, genre, artist, and play count. The following list is
some of the attributes that you should become familiar with
if you want to make Smart Playlists:
Album: This is the album on which a particular track
was released.
Artist: This is the artist who has recorded the track.
BPM: Beats per minute (also known as “tempo”).
This is number value that accurately describes the
number of beats that there are in one minute of time.
iTunes doesn’t calculate BPM but you can calculate it
with a third-party application. The BPM is a great way
that you can add criteria to your Smart Playlists based
on tempo.
Comment: This field is “user defined” which means
that you can use it for whatever purposes you want.
For example, you might want to include information
here about certain tracks such as which ones you
borrowed from a certain friend.