To set up a NetBoot server:
1Open Server Admin (located in /Applications/Server/).
2If the server that will host NetBoot isn’t listed, do the following: a Click the Add (+) button and choose Add Server.
b Enter the IP address of the server in the Address field and enter the user name and password of the server administrator in the User Name and Password fields.
c Click Connect.
3Click the disclosure triangle for the server that will host NetBoot.
4If NetBoot isn’t listed, select the server and click Settings; then, in the Services pane, select NetBoot and click Save.
5Select NetBoot, click Settings, and then click General.
6In the “Enable NetBoot on at least one port” list, select the Enable checkboxes for the interfaces that you want to serve the Server Diagnostics NetBoot images over.
If multiple network interfaces are listed, it’s likely that only one of the interfaces is on the same subnet as your server.
If you’re not sure which interface is on the same subnet, open Network Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities/) on your NetBoot server and your server. In the Info pane, choose different network interfaces on the NetBoot server and your server and compare the IP Address fields.
Usually, computers are on the same subnet if their IP addresses start with same numbers (for example, they may both start with 192.168.2).
7In the volume list, select the Images checkbox and Client Data checkbox for the volume that will store the Server Diagnostics NetBoot image.
The volume must have at least 100 MB of available space.
8Click Save.
9In a Finder window, navigate to the Diagnostics folder on the Admin Tools disc, and then open AppleServerDiagnosticsNetBoot.pkg.
10Follow the onscreen instructions to install the Server Diagnostics NetBoot package.
11In Server Admin, select NetBoot, and then click Images.
12If the Server Diagnostics NetBoot image has the same index (listed in the Index column) as another image, deselect the Enable checkbox for the conflicting image.
Don’t change any default Server Diagnostics NetBoot image settings.
13Click Start NetBoot.
Chapter 2 Setup and Installation