Special key combinations

If difficulties with your mouse or computer don’t allow you to use standard

methods of quitting a program or restarting your computer, you can try using

these special key combinations.

To do this... …press this key combination
Force a program to quit
Force the computer to restart
–Control–Power key

Here are other key combinations you may find useful:

To do this… …press this key combination
Start a “debugging” program used by software programmers*
-Power key
Start the computer from a CD-ROM disc C key (at startup)
Ignore SCSI ID 0 (zero)
Turn off system extensions Shift key (while starting up)
Rebuild the desktop Option-
(while starting up)
*If you do not have a debugging program installed, your screen displays a caret prompt (>). To return to the desktop,
type “G.”
Special Keys on Your Keyboard