turning on

the computer 9–13 external SCSI devices 62 Foreign File Access/Audio File

Access CD-ROM extensions 100

the monitor 11

system extensions 69, 103 virtual memory 91

tutorial 15–16

typing produces nothing on screen, troubleshooting 94–95


umlaut (ü), typing 158 unlocking/locking the mouse 143–144 unsaved work, losing 23

updated software, obtaining 104–108 upgrading the processor 145, 154 Utilities folder

Disk First Aid 114, 117

Drive Setup 111, 113


ventilation around computer components 135

ventilation openings on computer and monitor 136

video cables 50–57

video camera, connecting for input 50–53

videocassette recorder (VCR) connecting for input 50–53 connecting for output 54–56

video formats 48

video In/Out ports (on video equipment) 52–53, 55–57

video RAM, expanding 63

videotape, recording computer output on 54–56

virtual memory 71, 91 virus detection programs 69 volume control

for AppleCD Audio Player 101 for external speakers 48, 101

VRAM. See video RAM

W, X, Y

waking the computer 12, 20 warranty on computer 82, 145 wetness or moisture, computer exposure

to 134, 135, 139 windows

hiding and showing 70 working with 18

work space, arranging to prevent discomfort 131–132

Worldwide Web server (Internet), obtaining Apple software updates from 108


zoom box, Macintosh Guide 35

Index 171

Page 171
Image 171
Apple 8500/150 Series, 8500 Series appendix Index