Apple LC 580 manual Following dialog box appears, Click Continue

Models: LC 580

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9Start up your computer from the Install Disk 1 disk or the CD-ROM disc that contains system software.

The Installer’s Welcome screen appears. You may have to double-click the System Software Installer icon to open the Installer program.

10Click Continue.

The Easy Install dialog box appears.

Disk on which system software will be installed

For a clean installation,

DO NOT click the

Install button.

If you need to install on a different disk, click this button.

11Make sure that the hard disk named in the Destination Disk box is the one on which you want to install system software.

If it isn’t, click Switch Disk until the correct disk name appears.

12Hold down Shift–x–K to start the clean installation.

The following dialog box appears.

13Click the Install New System Folder button and click OK.

The Easy Install dialog box appears. The Install button has changed to Clean Install, and the contents of your old System Folder have been moved to a new folder named Previous System Folder.

Troubleshooting 69

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Apple LC 580 manual Following dialog box appears, Click Continue, Hold down Shift-x-K to start the clean installation