If Your AirPort Extreme Status Light Flashes Amber
The Ethernet cable may not be connected properly, your AirPort Extreme may be out of range of an AirPort network, or there may be a problem with your Internet service provider. If you are connected to the Internet with a DSL or cable modem, the modem may have lost its connection to the network or the Internet. Even if the modem seems to be working properly, try disconnecting the modem from its power supply, waiting a few seconds, and then reconnecting it. Make sure your AirPort Extreme is connected directly to the modem with an Ethernet cable before reconnecting power to the modem.
For more information about the reason the light flashes, open AirPort Utility, select your base station, and then choose Manual Setup from the Base Station menu. Click Base Station Status to display information about the flashing light.
You can also select the “Monitor base station for problems” checkbox in AirPort preferences. If the base station has problems, AirPort Utility opens and walks you through solving the problems.
Chapter 4 Tips and Troubleshooting | 29 |