
basic operation
‘Basic use’ explains how to play a Blu-ray Disc (BD),
DVD, CD or other type of disc. note that it may be
necessary to congure your player correctly for your
system before optimum – or any – playback can be
achieved. Player conguration is described beginning
on page E-20.
More sophisticated features – such as special playback
modes and programming jumps and playback sequences
– are described in the “advanced operation” section,
later in this handbook.
Switching on
Switch the unit on by pressing the POWER button. e
status LED glows green when the unit is powered up and
red when in stand-by mode. e remote control is used
to enter and exit standby mode. If the POWER button is
pressed (or power is removed) whilst in standby, the
unit will enter standby mode when power is re-applied.
note that the remote control sensor is located on the
right-hand side of the display window. Do not obstruct
this or the remote control will not work.
Loading a disc
Press </1on the front panel (or 1 on the handset)
and place the disc on the tray, with the playback side
facing down (some discs are double sided, in which case
the side labelled ‘side A’ should face up to play side A).
Press </1 on the front panel to close the tray. e disc
loads aer a pause of a few seconds.
Playing a disc
A disc may take some time to load once the tray is
closed. When the ‘Optical Disc Autoplay’ setting is set
to On (default setting), playback will automatically start.
(For details, refer to “Optical Disc AutoPlay” on page
page E-22).
If Autoplay is not set, the player’s Main Menu will
appear on your TV. Use the cursor keys to select the
disc, then press O to start playback.
Some titles begin by displaying a menu. Select the menu
item ‘Play movie’ (or similar) using the cursor pad, then
press OK to start playback.
For discs that do not play automatically, press 4/ ; on
the front panel or press 4 on the remote control.
Fast play
Press 8 or 7 on the front-panel or remote control to
play fast forwards or backwards. e following speeds
for fast playback are available: x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64
and x128 (depending on disc type). Press the button
repeatedly to cycle through the dierent speeds. To
resume normal playback speed, press PLaY.
Skipping chapters/tracks
To skip chapters (or tracks on a CD), press / or 0.
When skipping back, the rst button press takes you to
the beginning of the current chapter. Pressing the button
again takes you to the start of the previous chapter.
Pausing playback
Press 4/ ; on the front panel or ; on the remote
control to pause playback. To resume playback, press 4/
; on the front panel or 4 on the handset.
Stopping playback
Press the </1 button on the front panel or < on the
remote control to stop playback.
When playing a BD/DVD, pressing < once performs
a ‘resume stop’. If you now press 4, playback resumes
from the point it was stopped.
If you press </1 on the front panel or < on the remote
control twice, this is a ‘complete stop’, and playback
resumes from the beginning of the disc.
When you press a button, if the unit does not accept
its operation, appears on the TV screen.
Operations are occasionally unacceptable even if
is not displayed.
Invalid operation may occur as expected if :
< e region codes of the unit is dierent from
that of the disc and playback will not be
< e parental control is set to prevent
(For details, refer to "Parental Control" on
page E-21.)
< BD/DVD Video operations and functions
may be dierent from the explanations in
this manual and some operations may be
prohibited due to disc manufacturer’s settings.