Video Off Method [DPMS]

This item determines the video off features. The Display Power Management System (DPMS) feature allows the BIOS to control the video display card if it supports the DPMS feature. [Blank Screen] only blanks the screen. Use this for monitors without power management or “green” features. Configuration options: [Blank Screen] [V/H SYNC+Blank] [DPMS]

Video Off In Suspend [Yes]

This item determines when to activate the video off feature for monitor power management. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]


Allows you to select the IRQ assignment for the modem. Configuration options: [NA] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11]

Soft-Off by PWR-BTN [Instant-Off]

When set to [Instant-Off], the system goes to soft off when you press the power button for less than 4 seconds. When set to [Delay 4 Sec], press the power button for more than 4 seconds to power off the system. Configuration options: [Instant-Off] [Delay 4 Sec.]

Power On By PCI Devices [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the PME to generate a wake-up event. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Power On By External Modem [Disabled]

Allows you to enable or disable system power up when the external modem receives a call while in soft-off mode.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Power On Function [BUTTON ONLY]

Allows you to select a device to turn the system power on. Configuration options: [Password] [Hot Key] [Any KEY] [BUTTON ONLY] [PS/2 Mouse]

KB Power On Password [Enter]

Allows you to set a password to turn the system power on. Highlight this item then press enter to set a password.

To configure this item, you should set the Power On Function item to [Password].

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Chapter 4: BIOS setup