| Appendix |
Troubleshooting |
Administration |
Problem | Resolution |
After upgrading firmware, the KH1508i | Your Internet browser is displaying cached web |
/ KH1516i still appears to be using the | pages – not new ones. Clear your browser |
old firmware version. | cache; delete all temporary Internet files and |
| cookies, close the Internet browser, and then |
| open a new instance of the browser. |
The default network setting for the | Use the local console OSD’s F6 function to |
KH1508i / KH1516i is DHCP, but the | give the KH1508i / KH1516i a fixed IP address. |
network uses fixed IP addresses and | See F6 IP, page 32, for details. |
doesn’t have a DHCP server. |
General Operation |
Problem | Resolution |
Erratic Operation | Press and hold the Reset Switch (see page 7) |
| for longer than three seconds. |
Mouse and/or keyboard not | Unplug the cable(s) from the console port(s), |
responding due to improper mouse | then plug it back in again. |
and/or keyboard reset. |
Sudden loss of network connection | Close your KH1508i / KH1516i connection. |
due to local reset of KH1508i / | Wait approximately 30 seconds, and log in |
KH1516i. | again. |
Mouse Pointer Confusion | If you find the display of two mouse pointers |
| (local and remote) to be confusing or |
| annoying, you can use the Toggle Mouse |
| Display function to shrink the |
| pointer. See page 89 for details. |
Some characters that are keyed in | This is usually due to the local OS keyboard |
don’t display on the remote system | language and the remote OS keyboard |
| language being different. Make sure that the |
| keyboard language for both systems are the |
| same. |
Video is a little blurred, or a little overly |
| |
sharp. |
| |