KM0216 / KM0432 User Manual

ALTUSEN Information

Technical Support

North America Technical

Registered ALTUSEN product owners are entitled to

Phone Support

telephone technical support. Call the ALTUSEN


Technical Support Center: 949-453-8885.



International Technical

Contact your local dealer.

Phone Support

Call the ALTUSEN Technical Support Center:(886-2)






Email Support

E-mail your questions and concerns to:



Online Support

Online troubleshooting that describes the most


commonly encountered problems and offers

possible solutions to them; online documentation


(including electronically available manuals); and the

Software Updates

latest drivers and firmware for your product are


available at the ALTUSEN Website: http://



Getting Help

For additional help, advice, and information, ALTUSEN provides several support options. If you need to contact ALTUSEN technical support with a problem, please have the following information ready beforehand:

ŠProduct model number, serial number, and date of purchase

ŠYour computer configuration, including operating system, revision level, expansion cards, and software

ŠAny error messages displayed at the time the error occurred

ŠThe sequence of operations that led up to the error

ŠAny other information you feel may be of help
