Chapter 3

Browser Operation

Logging In

The PN9108 is accessed with an internet browser.

Note: Browsers accessing the PN9108 must support SSL 128 bit encryption.

1.Open your browser and specify the IP address of the PN9108 you want to access in the browser's URL location bar.

Note: 1. Get the IP address from the PN9108 administrator

2.If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time, the various ways to determine the PN9108's IP address are described in the Appendix on page 71.

2.When the Security Alert dialog box appears, accept the certificate – it can be trusted. (See Trusted Certificates, page 78, for details.) The Login page appears:

3.Provide a valid Username and Password (set by the PN9108 administrator), then Click Login to continue.

Note: If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time, use the default Username: administrator; and the default Password: password. For security purposes, we strongly recommend you remove these and give yourself a unique Username and Password (see Administrator:, page 20).