Chapter 6. Out of Band Operation
8.If the network goes down, or the PN9108 gets disconnected from it, the Emergency dial out function puts the PN9108 on line via the ISP dial up connection.
If you choose PPP keeps online until network recovery, the PPP connection to the ISP will last until the network comes back up or the PN9108 reconnects to it.
If you choose PPP online time the connection to the ISP will terminate after the amount of time you specify is up.
9.The Mail Configuration settings are used to send an email notifying you of the IP address that was dynamically assigned to the PN9108 by the ISP when a dial out occurs.
Key in the name or IP address of the ISP's SMTP mail server in the SMTP Server: field.
If your server requires authentication, check the SMTP server requires authentication checkbox and key in your account name and password in the fields provided.
Key in the email addresses of your ISP email account in the Email from: field.
Key in the email addresses of the users you want to receive the IP address in the Email to: field.
Note: A maximum of 128 characters can be entered in this box. To save space, user addresses can be comma, semicolon, or spacebar delimited.
Dialog Box Buttons
To save the values you have entered, click Save.
To abandon your changes and restore your settings to their previous values, Click Restore.
The Disconnect button is only active when an OOB modem connection operation is in progress. Clicking it breaks the connection.