Chapter 3. Local Operation
Set Serial Port
To configure the VM1616T’s serial settings, select Set Serial Port from the Menu.
Set IP Port
Set Serial Port
The submenu provides four options: Serial Port Address; Baud Rate; Serial Port Mode; and Default Serial Settings, as follows:
Serial Port Address
To set the VM1616T’s serial port address, do the following:
1.Select Serial Port Address from the Set Serial Port submenu. The cursor flashes on the entry:
Serial Port Address: 0
Baud Rate: 19200
2.Use the In dial and turn it clockwise (ascending from 0, 1, 2 .... 15) or counterclockwise (descending from 0, 15, 14.... 1) to select a number.
3.Press In/Out/Enter to confirm your selection. Note: The default serial port address is 0.