Troubleshooting 99
Suggested solutions
If problems persist:
BEFORE you call Customer Support, please have the following information
Detailed description of the problem
Motherboard manufacturer
System BIOS manufacturer
Make and model of DVD drive
DVD drive interface (IDE or SCSI)
Drive letter assigned to the DVD drive by Windows
DVD title(s) that are not working properly
Operating system name and version
ATI display adapter model or name
ATI display driver version
ATI DVD Player software version
Sound card name and manufacturer — if integrated, provide chipset type.
To email your system information:
1 Click Start, click Run..., then type MSINFO32. This will gather information
about your computer's configuration.
2 In the Microsoft System Information box, click File, click Export..., and
save the report as a .TXT file, which you can email to Customer Support.
(This file can be large — you may want to use a ZIP-compatible
compression program to reduce its size.)