20 TV
ATI TV BarBrowse the Web and
watch TV at the same
time, without resizing
your windows! ATI TV
Bar displays TV in your
Internet Explorer Web
North American users can
also view a display of
channel names and
numbers, with continuously updated program information.
To open ATI TV Bar
1Launch Internet Explorer.
2In Explorer’s menu bar, click View , point to Explorer
Bar , then click ATI TV.
Or click the ATI TV button in Explorer’s menu bar.
• If TV is not running, ATI TV Bar opens it, and displays it in
the TV Bar. Closing ATI TV Bar also closes TV.
• If TV is running, it is displayed in TV Bar, and the regular
TV display disappears from your desktop. Closing TV Bar
returns TV to its normal display on your desktop.
• If you resize Explorer, the TV display automatically fits itself
to the new size.
ATI TV Bar controls
From left to right, the ATI
TV Bar controls are:
Channel down, Channel
up, Volume, Mute, Go to
top, Page up, Page down, Pause scrolling, Favorites, and Help.
TV Internet