Troubleshooting 87
Troubleshooting If you have problems with video or audio, try these suggestions.
Audio problems ...
Problem Suggested solution
No Sound If you have external speakers, ensure that they are
powered-on (POWER indicator light is on) and connected
to the LINE-OUT or SPEAKER OUT connectors on your sound
Still no
sound? 1 Click Start, point at Settings, select Control Panel,
then double-click Sounds.
2In the Events area, Click Asterisk, then click a .WAV
file in the Sound area.
3 Click the Play button to preview the sound.
If you still do not hear any sound, open the Volume
Click Start, point at Programs, point at Accessories,
point at Entertainment, then select Volu me Co ntr ol.
Or, right-click the speaker icon (usually in the lower-
right corner of your screen), then click Open Volume
If the speaker icon is not in your Taskbar, do the following:
1 In the Windows Taskbar, click Start, point to Settings,
click Control Panel, then double-click Multimedia.
2 In the Audio tab, check Show volume control on the
Taskbar, and ensure that the Volume Control and the
Wave channel are not muted or set very low.
When you hear sound from your speakers, you know they
are working. If you still experience audio problems, check
the audio connections to your ALL-IN-WONDER card.