TV Listings 57
Setting search parametersTo start a new search, in the Search menu, click New Search...
to open the Search dialog, which you can use to set the
following options:
Use the icons at the top of the Search dialog to:
• Create a new search
• Load an existing search
• Save the current search criteria
• Run the current search
• Exit the search dialog
Stations Select All or None using the appropriate
buttons at the bottom of the list. To use
selected stations, click the station names to
highlight them.
Categories Select All or None using the appropriate
buttons at the bottom of the list. To use
selected categories, click the category names
to highlight them.
Ranges Use the pull-down items to select date ranges,
and the check boxes to select the hours you
wish to include in your search.
Rating Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific quality ratings.
MPAA Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific MPAA ratings.
Guidance Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific ratings.
Search Enter names, titles, and/or keywords in the text
box. Check the Title, Desc, and/or
Performers boxes to search the appropriate
fields for the text.
Year of
Release Use the pull-down items to search for movies
before, after, or within specific years.