54 TV Listings
Categories tabThe Categories tab displays all genre categories in the current
listings. A list of genre categories is displayed on the left of the
• Click the category you want to view, to display all titles for
that category on the right side of the screen.
• Double-clicking on categories with a + sign opens a list of
sub-categories on the right side of the screen.
• Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down in the Categories
List. You can also scroll using the horizontal and vertical
scroll bars.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 50).
SearchesGUIDE Plus+ comes with a powerful search engine to help you
find the programs you want. You can save and maintain a list of
custom searches to run each week, as well as a Favorites search
that tracks your favorite shows and movies.
Favorite searchAccess the Favorite search under the Searches tab. Favorites
are a special list of show titles that you keep and use to find your
favorite shows with a mouse click. You can add and remove
items from your favorites list from any view in the guide.
• Favorites is always the first search displayed in the Searches
tab. It behaves like other searches, but it cannot be deleted.
• When one of your favorites appears in any view of the guide,
appears in front of the title.