66 CD Audio
CD Audio Schedule settingsYou can schedule CD Audio to play on the dates and times you
specify. If you have the features installed, you can also
schedule events for TV Magazine, Personal Video Recorder,
File Player, and TV.
To open the CD Audio Schedule settings page
Click the Setup button in the CD Audio control panel,
then click the Schedule tab. The Schedule Wizard will
guide you through creating new scheduled events. See Schedule
on page 83 for details.
Selection Function
Proxy Server
Access the
database using
a proxy server
Address of proxy server (a proxy server is another
computer on your LAN that connects to the Internet
without compromising the security of your network).
Port to use with proxy server.
Requires Proxy Authentication
This proxy server requires authentication.
Use dial-up
when accessing
the server.
Use this connection when making remote queries
When not connected, connect using this entry.
Only perform remote queries when connected
Access the database only when already connected.
CD Database No queries are performed when this box is checked.