TV 21
Channel SurfingYou can browse through several
TV channels simultaneously,
and select channels by clicking
on “thumbnail” images
(miniature representations) of
the channels. Each thumbnail
displays the channel number,
and is regularly updated to
display the current program.
• A password is required to access locked-out channels (see
Channel Lockout on page30); otherwise, only unlo cked
channels will be displayed.
• Most controls are disabled during Channel Surfing.
To use Channel Surfing
1 Click the Channel Surf button in the TV control
A grid of thumbnails appears over your TV display.
2Click the thumbnail for the channel you want to preview.
The channel you clicked becomes “live”, and plays video
and audio for a few seconds.
3To select a channel for viewing, double-click a thumbnail.
The grid of thumbnails disappears, and the selected
channel appears on your screen.