28 TV
Secondary Audio Program (SAP)The Secondary Audio Program can be used to broadcast, for
example, language translations, reading services for the visually
impaired, weather forecasts, or information about a show.
To hear the Secondary Audio Program
Right-click the Mute button in the Television control
panel, then click Sap in the drop-down menu.
Zooming and panningYou can zoom in on the video in the Display panel to enlarge a
selected portion of the screen, and return your display to
normal. You can also pan (move the image horizontally and
vertically) in the zoomed area.
To zoo m
Click within the display panel,
then hold down the mouse button
and draw a rectangle around the
area you want to zoom.
Or right-click the 1:1
button to open a menu where
you can set the zoom level—
Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8
To pan in the zoomed area
Move your mouse within the zoomed area to pan horizontally or
To unzoom
Right-click in the display panel to open the feature menu, point
at Zooming , then click Unzoom.
Or click the 1:1 button in the control panel.
•Only available for NTSC video; for PAL or SECAM, it
is called Language B.
•Not all television stations broadcast SAP.