NAT (Network Address Translation - also known as IP masquerading) enables an organization to present itself to the Internet with one address. NAT converts the address of each LAN node into one IP address for the Internet (and vice versa). NAT also provides a certain amount of security by acting as a firewall by keeping individual IP addresses hidden from the WAN.
(Network) Administrator
The network administrator is the person who manages the LAN within an organization. The administrator's job includes ensuring network security, keeping software, hardware, and firmware up-
NTP (Network Time Protocol) is used to synchronize the realtime clock in a computer. Internet primary and secondary servers synchronize to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
A packet is a portion of data that is transmitted in network communications. Packets are also sometimes called frames and datagrams. Packets contain not only data, but also the destination IP address.
Ping (Packet INternet Groper) is a utility used to find out if a particular IP address is present online, and is usually used by networks for debugging.
Ports are the communications pathways in and out of computers and network devices (routers and switches). Most PCs have serial and parallel ports, which are external sockets for connecting devices such as printers, modems, and mice. All network adapters use ports to connect to the LAN. Ports are typically numbered.
A protocol is a rule that governs the communication of data.
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a routing protocol that is integrated in the TCP/IP protocol. RIP finds a route that is based on the smallest number of hops between the source of a packet and its destination.