2. Emission Points
A steady or fluctuating pinpoi nt of bright light in the image area
and does not go away when all light is blocked from the objective
lens of the monocular (Figure 5-3). The position of an emission
point within the image area does not move. N ot all emi ssion
sion point is not simply a point light source in the scene you are
viewing. Emission points are acceptable if they do not interfere
with the ability to perform the mission.
Figure 5-3
Bright Spots and Emission Points
3. Black Spots
These are cosmetic blemishes in the image inte nsifier or dirt or
debris between the lenses. Black spots are acceptab le as long
as they do not inte rfere with vi ewing the imag e.
No action is
required if this condition is pres ent unless the spots inter-
fere with the operator’s ability to perform the mission.