M oving to Another Index
W hen a track has m ore than one index (as indicated on the disc case), you can m ove to another
index as follow s: |
| |
Press | briefly during play to step forw ard to the next index . |
Press | briefly during play to return to the beginning of the current index. P ress | briefly again |
to step back to the previous index.
To go directly to any index, enter the index num ber using the num erical keys (0
NOT E: If th e n um ber has m o re th an one dig it, press the num erical
Playback Control (PBC)
Load a V ideo C D w ith P B C and press .
T he P B C m enu a ppears on the TV screen . (This w ill be different for different discs).
G o through the m enu w ith the keys indicated on the TV screen until your chosen passage starts to play. If a P BC m enu consists of a list of titles, you can select a title directly.
Enter your choice w ith the ,
or num erical keys (0
to start playback of the title .
Press R ETU R N to go back to the previous m enu . PB C can be turned off in the setup m enu
Cam era Angle
If the disc contains sequences recorded from different camera angles, the angle icon appears show ing the num ber of available angles, and the angle being show n . You can change the cam era angle if you w ish.
To get another angle, press .
T he angle icon w ill show the next angle .
To go to any angle directly, enter the angle num ber using the num erical keys (0
NOT E: The ang le icon rem ain s on th e screen un less you turn off th e an gle feature.
To turn off the angle feature, press O SD | . |
T he angle icon disappears . |
To turn the angle feature on again, press | again . |
T he angle icon appears . |
12 M inute Power-Off Delay
Your D VD player is designed to stay pow ered up for 12 m inutes after the ignition is shut dow n . The user can still w atch a m ovie after the vehicle is turned off, but not long enough to drain the battery.
The current scene w ill not be lost due to vehicle shut dow n . A fter the 12 m inute delay, you can still eject an already inserted disc, or insert a disc . To insert a disc, sim ply press E JE C T to
“w ake
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